Cultivating self-reliance and a strong sense of identity as young people confidently transition into adulthood.

Our supported independent living services provide a comfortable environment for children, youth, and adults who require some help developing life skills. We provide tailored guidance and mentorship to help people tackle challenges and seize opportunities as they gain autonomy. Our team works closely with participants to create personalized plans for goal-setting, skill-building, and community integration. This structured approach cultivates resilience, self-reliance, and a strong sense of identity in the youth we serve.

Our care facilities include:

  • A home for pregnant or parenting teens and women
  • Home for youth with basic living skills who are not yet ready to live on their own in the community
  • Individual accommodation housing graduates from other programs who are ready for independence

Get in touch and take your first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future with our help.